1. By far the most diffcult part of the process: find yourself a nice spot to pick ripe blackberries/dewberries.* Wear old clothes, bramble hedges can be pretty nasty and the juice tends to leave stains.
* In case you´re confused: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubus

2. Pick the berries. The one shown above isn´t yet ripe enough, they should be all-black and come of the stem very easily.

3. Wash the berries. I put them in the freezer until I´ve got enough for a large pot.
Put them into a pot, if you like with a bit of water.

4. heat and mash

5. If you don´t like having the seeds stuck in your teeth, strain through a colander

6. Add jam sugar. I like it "fruity", so I prefer the one for two parts of fruit with one part of sugar

7. bring to boil according to the instruction on the jam sugar package

8. Actually, this step should be No. 1: make sure you´ve got enough glasses. I reuse old glasses with "Twist-off" lids and have never had any problems. Boil glasses and lids in hot water.

9. Fill the jam into the glasses - finito.

There´s an endless supply of jam recipes and instructions on the net.
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