Mittwoch, 30. April 2014

the new toy arrived

Butterfly eggs from Papilionid, on citrus

Unfortunately I got the wrong adapter for  my dslr so I just took the first pics with my compact camera on the lens

Butterfly Transport from Emsbüren to Papenburg

Sonntag, 27. April 2014

concerning microphotography...´s NOT good for my bank account to have time off, I always get into trouble.
I either start thinking about travelling or photo equipment or both.

Ordered a stereo-microscope (which in german is a Binocular. But Binoculars in english are field glasses. Very confusing) and a camera adapter to be able to take butterfly close-ups.

Hope my new toys will work, excited like a kid :).

Samstag, 26. April 2014

You cannot have it all I guess...

...still missing teamwork and many of my colleagues.

Feels like a very bad and long-lasting case of homesickness.

Absolutely love being able to work mostly independently, though.

Spend the day looking for caterpillar host plants on the net and in the real world, fascinating stuff :).

Montag, 21. April 2014


... love the pics and would love to try but all the good stuff is incredibly !  expensive.
And I guess, as with Macro, it doesn´t make sense to try with less-good stuff because the results are too disappointing.

Sonntag, 6. April 2014