Freitag, 14. März 2014

love the news quiz, like the news quiz extra on BBC 4 extra even better.Very good for practicing english. My favorite at 16:00
"I used to eat fish"
"a pescatarian"
"no, a hypocrite"

Don´t have any problems with people who eat only fish or only chicken once a week or... just don´t pretend to be vegetarian.

Sonntag, 2. März 2014

More butterflies...

 Heliconius charitonius on Pentas
 Dryas Julia - the "flying dutchmen"
Eggs of the Zebra Butterfly
A site which shows the whole Metamorphosis

Eggs of the Zebra Butterfly
this time from Amsterdam

Samstag, 1. März 2014

love this site...

It´s got fantastic scan electron photography, especially exited by the butterfly eggs.
Replaced Frans Lantings pics which had been up at my living room wall for ages today:
 Did a voluntary course on a scan electron microscope at Uni, one of the most rewarding weeks whilst studying.

Otherwise not too good today.