Dienstag, 3. März 2015

Costa Rica 2015 (4-26 Feb)

Keel billed Toucan, Laguna de Lagarto Lodge, close to Nicaragua 

When watching them I could not help wondering why they developed this oversized beak.
One function & explanation seems to be temperature regulation: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/mystery-of-the-toucans-beak-solved-1759284.html


if you search for it on google, the first two results are creationists sites

Ameiva festiva- central american whiptail
Anolis, love these little guys

and another

and one more

Green Basilisc (Basiliscus pulmifrons), Sarapiqui

Beach close to Uvita de Ballena

No Idea bout the bird species, just liked the shape ;)

Bornarea sp., Volcan Poas

Bothrops schlegeli, eyelashed Viper, hanging bridges of Arenal

Bromeliads rule

Amazing plants even grow on wires

and natural substrates

Caesalpinia sp.

Capuchin monkey,Manuel Antonio

see above

Cashew nuts

chestnut mandibled toucan

Coconut to be, Uvita

Making coffee

big scale

My drugs. Coffee Beans.

small scale

Lagoon close to Nicaragua, absolutely loved canoing there. Bliss.

Pupae checking at Costa Rica Entomological Suppiles, La Guacima

Butterfly Breeder at CRES

Croc in the Mangroves, Guanacaste

Crocs from a bridge, somewhere between Uvita & San Jose

Dendrobates auratus

Dole bananas

Honduran white bat, Ectophylla alba, saw these at the wonderful place of a butterfly breeder, close to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui.
Picture not too good, I know.
These are white fluffballs which build tents out of heliconia leaves and spent the day there, roosting together.

The dry northwest, Guanacaste. Hot but superb hiking.


Frigatebirds, Mangroves, Guanacaste

Frog in a swimming pool, Uvita

Laughing falceon, Guanacaste

not too dense Rainforest, close to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui

Gunnera, Volcan Poas

Gunnera Leaf

My bed for 2 nights. Nice :)


Howler monkeys, Guanacaste. I counted 23 in two trees.

Some Hummers

Yellow headed gecko, Gonatodes albogularis

Variegated squirrell

Anole shedding it´s skin

Morning walk at Laguna de Lagarto Lodge

Lagoon Pics at Laguna de Lagarto

love Leaves

Brown headed parrot, Pyrilia haematotis

Tree full of orange chinned parakeets or Tovi-parakeet , Brotogeris jugularis, morning walk in Guanacaste

Scarlet macaw

Tree close to Mangroves, Guanacaste

Santa maria de Dota, looking for the Quetzal in the Mountains

Mushrooms wrong way...

Oophaga pumilio, Blue Jeans Frog, LdL

Montezuma Oropendula

Paraponera or Bullet Ant. The really hurt.

Parrot Snake, Manuel Antonio

Passiflora Vitifolia, Uvita

It´s kind of weird for me to know this ( host plant for Heliconid caterpillars)  by it´s latin name when I saw it in the forest.


Cloud Forest at Poas

Possum, yippieh ! :) Last night of eyshining in Costa Rica, Uvita. Saw two species, Didelphis marsupialis and this should bethe woolly Opossum, Caluromys derbianus


Red eyed Treefrog, not sure which of the two specise. half natural setting, this guy should be sleeping as they´re nocturnal


Sleeping treefrog


Orange chinned parakeet

Brown hooded Parakeet

Spectacled Caiman, LdL. They feed them there, just about the only thing I did not like about that place.

Squirrell in Gunnera, Poas

Squirrell monkey, manuel Antonio


Sunset, Uvita

Saccopteryx bats close to the river, Sarapiqui. Missed these guys ;)

Cicada, pic taken at Night, Uvita. They make a lot of noise

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