Keel billed Toucan, Laguna de Lagarto Lodge, close to Nicaragua | | | | | | |
When watching them I could not help wondering why they developed this oversized beak.
One function & explanation seems to be temperature regulation: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/mystery-of-the-toucans-beak-solved-1759284.html
if you search for it on google, the first two results are creationists sites
Anolis |
Ameiva festiva- central american whiptail |
Anolis, love these little guys |
and another |
and one more |
Green Basilisc (Basiliscus pulmifrons), Sarapiqui |
Beach close to Uvita de Ballena |
No Idea bout the bird species, just liked the shape ;) |
Bornarea sp., Volcan Poas |
Bothrops schlegeli, eyelashed Viper, hanging bridges of Arenal |
Bromeliads rule |
Amazing plants even grow on wires |
and natural substrates |
Caesalpinia sp. |
Capuchin monkey,Manuel Antonio |
see above |
Cashew nuts |
chestnut mandibled toucan |
Coconut to be, Uvita |
Making coffee |
big scale |
My drugs. Coffee Beans. |
small scale |
Lagoon close to Nicaragua, absolutely loved canoing there. Bliss. |
Pupae checking at Costa Rica Entomological Suppiles, La Guacima |
Butterfly Breeder at CRES |
Croc in the Mangroves, Guanacaste |
Crocs from a bridge, somewhere between Uvita & San Jose |
Dendrobates auratus |
Dole bananas |
Honduran white bat, Ectophylla alba, saw these at the wonderful place of a butterfly breeder, close to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui. Picture not too good, I know. These are white fluffballs which build tents out of heliconia leaves and spent the day there, roosting together. |
The dry northwest, Guanacaste. Hot but superb hiking. |
Pier |
Frigatebirds, Mangroves, Guanacaste |
Frog in a swimming pool, Uvita |
Laughing falceon, Guanacaste |
not too dense Rainforest, close to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui |
Gunnera, Volcan Poas |
Gunnera Leaf |
My bed for 2 nights. Nice :) |
Iguana |
Howler monkeys, Guanacaste. I counted 23 in two trees. |
Some Hummers |
Yellow headed gecko, Gonatodes albogularis | |
Variegated squirrell |
Anole shedding it´s skin |
Morning walk at Laguna de Lagarto Lodge |
Lagoon Pics at Laguna de Lagarto |
love Leaves |
Brown headed parrot, Pyrilia haematotis |
Tree full of orange chinned parakeets or Tovi-parakeet , Brotogeris jugularis, morning walk in Guanacaste |
Scarlet macaw |
Tree close to Mangroves, Guanacaste |
Santa maria de Dota, looking for the Quetzal in the Mountains |
Mushrooms wrong way... |
Oophaga pumilio, Blue Jeans Frog, LdL |
Montezuma Oropendula |
Paraponera or Bullet Ant. The really hurt. |
Parrot Snake, Manuel Antonio |
Passiflora Vitifolia, Uvita |
It´s kind of weird for me to know this ( host plant for Heliconid caterpillars) by it´s latin name when I saw it in the forest.
Pelicans |
Poas |
Cloud Forest at Poas |
Possum, yippieh ! :) Last night of eyshining in Costa Rica, Uvita. Saw two species, Didelphis marsupialis and this should bethe woolly Opossum, Caluromys derbianus |
Quetzal |
Red eyed Treefrog, not sure which of the two specise. half natural setting, this guy should be sleeping as they´re nocturnal |
Saline |
Sleeping treefrog |
Sloth |
Orange chinned parakeet |
Brown hooded Parakeet |
Spectacled Caiman, LdL. They feed them there, just about the only thing I did not like about that place. |
Squirrell in Gunnera, Poas |
Squirrell monkey, manuel Antonio |
Guanacaste |
Sunset, Uvita |
Saccopteryx bats close to the river, Sarapiqui. Missed these guys ;) |
Cicada, pic taken at Night, Uvita. They make a lot of noise |