Dienstag, 25. November 2014

Game over...

... just realized that my old website is gone for good now and not even accessible via the wayback machine anymore.

At one point I put a lot of time & energy into that page ... and then life happened and things changed.

"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven. A time to give birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.…"
Ecclesiates 3:1-11

( One of my early memories from school: finding Bible Verses by their number as fast as possible- completely useless but I really liked it. )

Making that site was a good occupation at the time, I learned a lot about computers (even some html), the net, photography and got into contact with a lot of people.

It´s  also good that I stopped doing it and left one of my private Universes, I guess one could call it a "subculture".

The site was mainly about pet rats but also about other things like my aquariums and a bit about conservation. Just came across this link on the WDR (!), very nice :

Eine Biologie Studentin konnte im Zoo der britischen Insel Jersey ein Nasenbär-Rudel über längere Zeit beobachten. Was sie über die Tiere gelernt hat und ihr tollen Fotos findest du auf dieser Internetseite
Got a lot of self-affirmation from that site at the time, which was great. Some parts of it I would still like today, others maybe not.Guess the same applies to this blog but this is a lot less time- and energy consuming by comparison.

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