At one point I put a lot of time & energy into that page ... and then life happened and things changed.
"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven. A time to give birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.…"Ecclesiates 3:1-11
( One of my early memories from school: finding Bible Verses by their number as fast as possible- completely useless but I really liked it. )
Making that site was a good occupation at the time, I learned a lot about computers (even some html), the net, photography and got into contact with a lot of people.
It´s also good that I stopped doing it and left one of my private Universes, I guess one could call it a "subculture".
The site was mainly about pet rats but also about other things like my aquariums and a bit about conservation. Just came across this link on the WDR (!), very nice :
Eine Biologie Studentin konnte im Zoo der britischen Insel Jersey ein Nasenbär-Rudel über längere Zeit beobachten. Was sie über die Tiere gelernt hat und ihr tollen Fotos findest du auf dieser InternetseiteGot a lot of self-affirmation from that site at the time, which was great. Some parts of it I would still like today, others maybe not.Guess the same applies to this blog but this is a lot less time- and energy consuming by comparison.
So, a very belated goodbye to that site and chapter of my life.
So many faces in and out of my life
Some will last
Some will be just now and then
Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes
I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again
Did I mention I love Billy Joel songs? Ever since teenage days, some things don´t change :).
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