Dienstag, 23. September 2014

Caterpillar statistics, Butterfly house Emsbueren

Caterpillar stats, Butterfly house Emsbueren:

- Caligo (memnon and/or eurilochus) on Musa and Canna indica
- Hypolimnas bolina on Hibiscus moscheutus
- Heliconius hecale (and probably other heliconids) on Passiflora violaceae and Passiflora gracilis
- Danaus plexippus on Asclepias currassavica
- Heraclides thoas on Citrus sp.
- Morpho peleides on Arachis and Wisteria. Might ty to switch them to Trifolium...

Waiting for Parides on one of the Aristolochias (durior, macrophylla, gigantea and elegans)

Yup, had to show off :).
I knew none of this a year year ago and had to look nothing up for posting this.
It´s has been and still is a steep learning curve.

Just to prove that I´m really into the new job even if I miss the old one :).


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