Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2014

surprise, surprise... more flutterby photos from papenburg

Anteos clorinde on Canna

Caligo caterpillar, hopefully looking for a place to pupate

Littel monster  - caligo caterpillar

Caligo egg

Caligo eurilochus

Heraclides anchisades eggs on Citus

heliconiuus couple mating (the upper one is flying)

Heraclides thoas

Idea leuconoe on Lemon

Heliconius melpomene

Morpho egg. Unfortunately unsuccessfully laid on Spatiphyllum, They don´t seem to like the two wisterias I planted for them. Growing Arachis (Peanut plants) now, in the hope that that´ll work better.

Pupa cingulatum

Siproeta stelenes taking a break on the bridge

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