Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014

Time "off" ...

... lots ! of stuff to do.

Kind of the best combination, I hope.

If I can find the time I really want to go to Amsterdam to see the two Butterfly houses there, one at the zoo and one at the botanical garden. Want and need to work on the Lepidoptera thing .

Then there is the MAJOR task of doing all the things at home which have been left undone in recent weeks.
All the everyday stuff which  has somewhat turned into a giant "to do" pile, starting from tyding up and cleaning the apartment and not ending with financial things...

But I also really want some time to walk the dog, read a book, watch the clouds, spend time with friends & family, do something silly, improve my photography...

5 days suddenly seem short... better turn off the computer and get started.

Sonntag, 23. Februar 2014

Microwave cake

was desperate for chocolate but didn´t have any at home so decided to try the microwave cake recipe with added cocoa.
Not to bad for the minimal effort involved :).
Just a bit too sweet for my taste, guess next time I´ll use half the amount of sugar.
Here´s another link:

Montag, 17. Februar 2014

reactivating my study after years of use as a junk room feels weird but good

Sonntag, 9. Februar 2014


Starting my apiculturist course next week , hurra!

Jame´s Chapman´s site has got a couple of Illustrations of onomatopoetic animal sounds in different languages .
He needs to work on it though, obviously german frogs don´t kwaak, that´s dutch frogs, ours quak! When you cross the border 15 k from here everything suddenly sounds completely different, I guess there´s no interbreeeding between the amphibian populations because of the distinct mating calls.
I guess polish Żabas don´t really go "kum kum", polish pronouciation is a world of surprises, got to look into that tomorrow.
And just to get everyone completely confused and worried about my mental state, I always use star wars´ jabba the hut as a "donkey-bridge" (mnemonic, english for runaways) to remember the polish word for frog. 
A frog is a frosch is a kikker is a Żaba.
But a rose is a Rose is a róża is a roos.
Oh, all the useful things you learn in a multilingual work environment :).

Don´t you just love love Sesquipedalians ? (my new word for today, liked it better than smart-ass :) )

"Summ, summ, summ, Bienchen summ herum"...

Sonntag, 2. Februar 2014