Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

Hoch auf dem gelben Wagen...

... somebody took my right of way today.
 Hopefully & luckily  just a bruised knee - if the car will survive is another question.

Ah well, shit happens, guess things could have been much worse.
It feels extremely good to have people who are there for you if stuff like this happens.
And also that I do live in a country with a compulsory civil-liability motor vehicle insurance policy and  a working police and health system .. even if I´ll still have to spend some extra cash if the car should be broken.
After travelling to countries where the first thing after an accident is that you have to find your credit card  or some cash I do really, really, really appreciate this a LOT. 
And now I´m going to do my tax declaration to keep it working :).

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