Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011


The english language is definitely incomplete, it´s missing a word for "Fernweh". It´s like being homesick but the other way round - a longing to travel & be far away. Dictionary says itchy feet, wanderlust (which sounds german but isn´t, really) or travel bug.
But those don´t hurt, do they?
Anyway, got a serious Fernweh-attack right now.
Want to go, faaar away. Now-ish. Tasmania would be nice. Australia, too. Guess Portugal (never been) or Greece (spent there almost 4 months in total, working with sea turtles) would do.
Btw.: It´s also missing an expression for a song being stuck in in your head, and one of my life´s missions is to introduce the word "earworm" into english ;).

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