Freitag, 8. Oktober 2010

Diving course!

I've moved - from a small island (Utila) to a tiny island (Jewel cay).
I'm doing a diving course (open water, Padi - if I make it...) and did my first dive today. Not in a pool but in the's too windy to practice in shallow waters.
Such a weird feeling!!!!
I'm the only one on the course, pity my poor (and apparently very good) instructor.
And though i guess I did everything wrong I'm a bit proud of myself course I didn't panic, though we practiced stuff like flooding your mask, being out of air...
Well, I' m a bit afraid I will never be able to remember all the stuff you need but I'm very happy that I could remain calm under water today, in spite of the waves and everything.
See how it goes...

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