...from where I now sit, a green finch (Carduelis chloris) built her nest in the vine growing along the wall.
I also found two nests of Wagtails (had to look that up, too: Bachstelze, Motacilla alba *) at work this week while tidying up the greenhouses.
It´s rather sad to throw them away but there´s nothing else to do, there´s no chance of survival.
Probably better now, before the eggs hatch.
* Did you know there are two subspecies, the Nominatspezies (whatever that is in english) M. alba alba with a gray back and M. alba yarrellii with a black back (Source)?
Embarrassingly, I didn´t.
It´s rather nice to have a quiet weekend at home once in a while.
I took Heiko for a two hour walk along the canal yesterday evening.
We live within walking distance from the River Ems, farmland, Pine-forest and the Dortmund- Ems canal (well, 1.5 km) .
Did I mention that I really like this place?
Well, I´ll keep mentioning it ;).
Größere Kartenansicht
I´d love to show more photos but it´s too risky to take my camera along when boisterous Heiko is around.
Next Sunday I´m off to Poland and I just realized that I´m going to miss the finch-chicks! Damn.
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