Sonntag, 26. Juli 2009
Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009
Last days
in Krakow. I'm leaving on Saturday and am kind of looking forward to it, even if people are very nice here, the school's interesting and the city beautiful. Wrote a test today... arghhhh....tomorrow is the last day at school and we'll get the results then.
And it's 35 C again and I've really had enough of this heat to be honest, I find it really hard to sleep, too. And yes, i know I spent months in the tropics, but its different in a city. At least for me...I guess Im just a country bumpkin.
Did nothing special on the last days, wanted to go to Wielizka Saltmine but not enough people turned up for the trip. Hopefully I'll go to see Krakow zoo tomorrow, missed the bus today.
Work starts on Monday and I'm kind of looking forward to that, too :).
And it's 35 C again and I've really had enough of this heat to be honest, I find it really hard to sleep, too. And yes, i know I spent months in the tropics, but its different in a city. At least for me...I guess Im just a country bumpkin.
Did nothing special on the last days, wanted to go to Wielizka Saltmine but not enough people turned up for the trip. Hopefully I'll go to see Krakow zoo tomorrow, missed the bus today.
Work starts on Monday and I'm kind of looking forward to that, too :).
Samstag, 18. Juli 2009
Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009
Dzien dobry from Krakows Central Square!
Hurra, I've made it to Krakow, Poland !
Right now I'm sitting in an internet cafe above the Rynek, 'Europes most beautiful central square'. Don't know about that but it is a very nice and lively square with an unbelievable number of historical buildings. As you might know I'm not much of a city fan but as fas as cities go Krakow is beautiful.
I'm staying in Boronowice, one of the suburbs, about 20 miuntes by tram from the centre. It's a really nice place to stay and I've got my own room with a desk, and cupboard and I can use the communal kitchen and it's clean :) and everyone is nice.
Everyone means my german landlady and her polish boyfriend who'll only be there til friday, another polish girl and two italian guys of whom I've only met one so far.
I like to stay in the suburb because it feels more "real" , no tourists around there.
The polish course (absoulte beginner :() is from 9.30 to 13.00 and really intense. We are 5 within the group, 3 germans, one american and a french guy. So I get to practise english as well, hurra :)!
One shouldn't count ones chicken before they are hatched but so far I'm glad I've come here.
There are only two problems:
1. it's really hot! Too hot! Summer! Packed the wrong clothes!
2. There's too much to do, too many things on offer. I've made the concious decision to take it easy though - I'm here on holiday and I want to stroll around, get a feel of the place, relax.
Don't really want a tight schedule besides the course. On sunday I'll be off to Zakopane in the mountains and on saturdaz there is a choice of going to Auschwitz concentration camp. I haven't really decided if I'm going, don't know if I'm prepared for that right now.
That's all for now, I'll go down and slowly head towards "home" :).
Right now I'm sitting in an internet cafe above the Rynek, 'Europes most beautiful central square'. Don't know about that but it is a very nice and lively square with an unbelievable number of historical buildings. As you might know I'm not much of a city fan but as fas as cities go Krakow is beautiful.
I'm staying in Boronowice, one of the suburbs, about 20 miuntes by tram from the centre. It's a really nice place to stay and I've got my own room with a desk, and cupboard and I can use the communal kitchen and it's clean :) and everyone is nice.
Everyone means my german landlady and her polish boyfriend who'll only be there til friday, another polish girl and two italian guys of whom I've only met one so far.
I like to stay in the suburb because it feels more "real" , no tourists around there.
The polish course (absoulte beginner :() is from 9.30 to 13.00 and really intense. We are 5 within the group, 3 germans, one american and a french guy. So I get to practise english as well, hurra :)!
One shouldn't count ones chicken before they are hatched but so far I'm glad I've come here.
There are only two problems:
1. it's really hot! Too hot! Summer! Packed the wrong clothes!
2. There's too much to do, too many things on offer. I've made the concious decision to take it easy though - I'm here on holiday and I want to stroll around, get a feel of the place, relax.
Don't really want a tight schedule besides the course. On sunday I'll be off to Zakopane in the mountains and on saturdaz there is a choice of going to Auschwitz concentration camp. I haven't really decided if I'm going, don't know if I'm prepared for that right now.
That's all for now, I'll go down and slowly head towards "home" :).
Sonntag, 5. Juli 2009
They´ve hatched!
60 cm...

...from where I now sit, a green finch (Carduelis chloris) built her nest in the vine growing along the wall.
I also found two nests of Wagtails (had to look that up, too: Bachstelze, Motacilla alba *) at work this week while tidying up the greenhouses.
It´s rather sad to throw them away but there´s nothing else to do, there´s no chance of survival.
Probably better now, before the eggs hatch.
* Did you know there are two subspecies, the Nominatspezies (whatever that is in english) M. alba alba with a gray back and M. alba yarrellii with a black back (Source)?
Embarrassingly, I didn´t.
It´s rather nice to have a quiet weekend at home once in a while.
I took Heiko for a two hour walk along the canal yesterday evening.
We live within walking distance from the River Ems, farmland, Pine-forest and the Dortmund- Ems canal (well, 1.5 km) .
Did I mention that I really like this place?
Well, I´ll keep mentioning it ;).
Größere Kartenansicht
I´d love to show more photos but it´s too risky to take my camera along when boisterous Heiko is around.
Next Sunday I´m off to Poland and I just realized that I´m going to miss the finch-chicks! Damn.
Freitag, 3. Juli 2009
Quótes & thoughts on a friday evening
Oscar Wilde once said that one's real life is often the life one does not lead. Well, fucking right on, Oscar. [...] The life I was leading didn't let me be, I don't know… be who I thought I was.
[... ]
And maybe everyone feels that way, but that's no reason to stick with it.
From "A long way down" by Nick Hornby.
I really like this book and can also recommend the audio version.
And no, I´m not feeling depressed and I´m not whingeing or wallowing in self-pity *.
I just feel that Mr. Wilde has a point sometimes.
* Well, granted, maybe a bit. But once in a while I have to to get it out of my system, and then it´s ok again :).
A very different quote by another favorite author of mine leaps into my mind almost immediately:
"People often tell me that they wish they had lived a life like mine. I say : "Well, why didn't you? All you had to do was to live it."
This one I like even better, it´s by Gerald Durrell, who´s been a major influence in my life. Life just doesn´t seem to be as simple as that. You may try and fail. But at least you´ve tried. (Soooo many quotes on that topic. Look ´em up yourself!)
And now I´ll try to summon my energy and take my landlords dog Heiko for a walk and enjoy the beautiful farmland and river and woods around my home. And as it´s quoting time today: "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”
Robert Brault
Luckily "One day" has come to me a while ago.
More Quotations by (and about) Gerald Durrell:
You can get too scientific about animals. They weren't designed to fit into computer programmes.
Many people think that conservation is just saving fluffy animals- what they don't realize is that conservation is war to prevent the human race from committing suicide.
When we realize that we ourselves maybe one of the species which will go extinct- we are after all just another animal- then we will do something about it. If we want something badly enough, we generally get it. That's when the chemistry changes. What we must realize now is how badly we should want it.
For future generations, their only means of experiencing this natural splendour (the tropical rainforest) maybe by reading about it and, while they read, damning us for not having preserved their heritage.
They`re mad. But they are the people who are saving these animals. You have to be obsessed to work in conservation. We all are. Look at Gerry: You might think he's a nice bloke. He's witty and charming, and given a couple of second she would have your grandmother eating out of his hand. But believe me, the man's a nutter. He's obsessed with saving animals. If you were in a firing line alongside a lemur, you'd get it straight between the eyes.
P.s.: Spellchecker doesn´t know the words "fucking" and "nutter". Seems to be a politically correct
[... ]
And maybe everyone feels that way, but that's no reason to stick with it.
From "A long way down" by Nick Hornby.
I really like this book and can also recommend the audio version.
And no, I´m not feeling depressed and I´m not whingeing or wallowing in self-pity *.
I just feel that Mr. Wilde has a point sometimes.
* Well, granted, maybe a bit. But once in a while I have to to get it out of my system, and then it´s ok again :).
A very different quote by another favorite author of mine leaps into my mind almost immediately:
"People often tell me that they wish they had lived a life like mine. I say : "Well, why didn't you? All you had to do was to live it."
This one I like even better, it´s by Gerald Durrell, who´s been a major influence in my life. Life just doesn´t seem to be as simple as that. You may try and fail. But at least you´ve tried. (Soooo many quotes on that topic. Look ´em up yourself!)
And now I´ll try to summon my energy and take my landlords dog Heiko for a walk and enjoy the beautiful farmland and river and woods around my home. And as it´s quoting time today: "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”
Robert Brault
Luckily "One day" has come to me a while ago.
More Quotations by (and about) Gerald Durrell:
You can get too scientific about animals. They weren't designed to fit into computer programmes.
Many people think that conservation is just saving fluffy animals- what they don't realize is that conservation is war to prevent the human race from committing suicide.
When we realize that we ourselves maybe one of the species which will go extinct- we are after all just another animal- then we will do something about it. If we want something badly enough, we generally get it. That's when the chemistry changes. What we must realize now is how badly we should want it.
For future generations, their only means of experiencing this natural splendour (the tropical rainforest) maybe by reading about it and, while they read, damning us for not having preserved their heritage.
They`re mad. But they are the people who are saving these animals. You have to be obsessed to work in conservation. We all are. Look at Gerry: You might think he's a nice bloke. He's witty and charming, and given a couple of second she would have your grandmother eating out of his hand. But believe me, the man's a nutter. He's obsessed with saving animals. If you were in a firing line alongside a lemur, you'd get it straight between the eyes.
P.s.: Spellchecker doesn´t know the words "fucking" and "nutter". Seems to be a politically correct
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