Mad dog :)

One of my Landlords two dogs, a German Longhaired Pointer + Large Munsterlander-Mix (Deutsch-Langhaar + Großer Münsterländer-Mischling). .
Their owner is a hunter and Heiko is going to be trained as a gundog.
He´s another example for the rule that dogs, which are used for work and not for showing-off, don´t have to be "pure-bred".
You can see the same with Livestock guarding dogs in Eastern Europe, Stockdogs in Australia and even Sled dogs in the North - as long as they "function" breed doesn´t matter. Individual differences do, though.
Of cause it ususally doesn´t make much sense to try to train a Collie-kelpie-mix as a gundog and Heiko highly probably wouldn´t make good Herder - but if the breeds in the mix have the same "job" mixes appear to work as good as pure-breds. If you think about Hybrids, the Heterosis-effect and the health problems some dog breeds develop they might even often be the better option.
In any case - Heiko is still a puppy and great fun to be with! I take him for walks as often as I can.